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Betty Albury Standefer
Profile Updated:September 16, 2019
Residing In:
Hixson, TN USA
Retired Banker
Tommy, born 12-23-70; Candyce, born 8-12-75
Grandchildren:Zachary 11-6-98,Jared 12-12-2000, Olivia More…3-16-2003, Anna 4-9-2005(adopted from China 1-30-2010); Addyson 11-5-2007, Makinley 5-19-10
Married 8-15-69. Husband, Ron is retired school teacher since 1998. We enjoy traveling. Been to London, Alaska, Hawaii (2), Carribean cruise (3times) Canada (3times) and several US states.
Love the grandkids!! Enjoy watching them play sports.
Remember in Home Economics when dishwashing detergent was put in the dishwasher instead of the correct dishwasher detergent. Bubbles everywhere!
Got called to the office after the Prom for taking my boyfriend (now husband) to the Jr-Sr Prom. Of course he went under an alias. (his brother's name). If it were not for that darn engagement picture coming out in the paper the next week after the prom, I would have gotten by with it for a second year. Ha! Ha! Ronnie went with me when I was a Jr also under his cousins name. They changed the rules after that at SDHS!